Keeping your dog healthy is a priority of every dog parent and part of a regular health routine is grooming. Here are a few grooming related things to consider when you first get a puppy.
Starting early
Depending on what breed of dog you have, the best way to get them used to the process of grooming is starting when they've had all their vaccinations. Grooming is a skill that dogs need to learn and trust the process just like any other training element in their life. Starting early also gives your pup plenty of time to get used to all the tools, noises and handling before they will need their first full groom.
Positive first experience at the groomers.
When your puppy is between 3-5 months it is unlikely they will have matts or tangles which are uncomfortable to remove so this ensures they have a positive first experience. I normally start with them exploring my groom room and have a play around before moving on to washing and drying, I turn on the clippers so they get used to the sound, get them to sniff all other tools, touch their legs and pads and if needed cut their nails. All is done very slowly with breaks so I don't overwhelm them. I finish with some playtime and some treats. Sounds fun but I promise there is some work involved in all of this!
Home grooming
There are a number of things you can train your puppy at home that will help them get confident and comfortable at the groomers. Try practicing the below while watching TV with your pup snuggled on your lap, use their favorite treats to reward them or reward them with some playtime with their favorite toy.
The more your pup is used to being touched and handled the better!
You can always contact me for advice on what to do or what tools to use for your specific breed of pup. We can have a chat on the phone or you can come into my grooming room in Raheny for a free assessment.